


Easily Check Confirm Then Click & Claim - All In Less Than 7 Minutes.

You can quickly & easily generate compliance reports covering overcharging, mis-selling & breaches.








CHECK - Select Your Financial Products. 

The first step is for you to click on the product/s you wish to add to the software platform - Credit Cards - Bank Accounts - Utilities - Gas/Electric Meters  Insurances - Mortgage - Investment - Pension - Loans - Other.

You can review the financial product types that the AI software checks within the home page & header menu.

Once you have identified your financial product/s from our list and picked a product, you simply move on to the next step.

CONFIRM - Follow The Online Procedures.

Once you have identified and confirmed your financial product/s, simply complete the online procedures and Confirm the appropriate details within the software. This will then allow you to automatically interact with the AI software prompts to forensically assess and review two main sectors in respect of your financial product/s, the AI software then generates the corresponding reports.

Compliance & Financial - The first compliance report is a generated AI compliance analysis, from your interactions. The later second financial report is a detailed forensic analysis.

CLICK - Then Generate The Results.

If the AI software analysis identifies overcharging, compliance breaches, errors, or potential mis-selling, it automatically generates the reports and saves them to the "Your Documents" section within your account.

These reports act as potential evidence, and are processed directly and instantly to your provider's online link within your AI Platform account, as a complaint or claim/s, outlining and detailing your case for the appropriate financial remediation and payout. As you are completeing the complaint & claim yourself "DIY" - 100% of any payout goes directly to you.

PROCESS - Submit Your Complaint & Claim.

To process in "real-time" directly to your provider, simply click on the "process your claim icon" and an AI generated email template will auto-generate containing a link to all your documents, including the cover letter and the structured evidence of your complaint and claim, you can add your own email address to the send list, then click SEND, this will instantly forward the complaint and claim directly to your provider.

Additionally, within your account, there is a "Your Notes" section, all details entered are dated & time-stamped. If you prefer to use an OCC listed Licensed Company who operate our AI platforms rather than "DIY" simply request this with a - Click.